See Learning in Action

Meridan State College

About the Hub

Consultancy & Custom PD Design

Learning Hub

The Contemporary Learning Hub provides professional development via face to face and online modes to thousands of educators each year from schools throughout Australia.    
With a commitment to excellence and to continually sharing best practice and innovative pedagogies, our hub is designed to inform, inspire and influence educators working in contexts across P-12.

Our Hub team have extensive  experience facilitating professional development for educators and are renowned for their leadership in the use of digital technologies and contemporary pedagogies as part of learning.   One of the testaments of the success of  our Hub is the  repeat business we receive from schools.   We have  many schools that continue to return to the Hub and see our Hub as a valuable contributor  to the professional learning and growth of their staff.    

We pride ourselves on delivering high quality professional development  in a supportive and dynamic learning environment.



One of the advantages our Hub has is that we can provide participants with opportunities to see learning in action in real classrooms.    Many of our programs include classroom tours, demonstrations of learning activities and opportunities for participants to engage in discussion with teachers and students.    

Being based at Meridan State College, an award winning P-12 College on the Sunshine Coast, provides us with ample opportunities to provide participants with opportunities to see best practice and innovative teaching and learning contexts.   Our College has previously been named Queensland School of  the Year for our award winning numeracy programs and is also renowned for our high quality, innovative and dynamic Prep to Year 2 learning environments and programs.



Our Contemporary Learning Hub team is available for consultancy and can also be contracted to develop and facilitate PD experiences that meet the specific needs of your staff, cluster or network.   We have:

  • provided consultancy to schools developing whole school plans for effective use of digital technologies and contemporary pedagogies;
  • presented keynote presentations and workshops at conferences and events throughout Australia;
  • developed and facilitated face-to-face and online courses and web conferences for specific target audiences;​
  • contributed to the design and development of curriculum resources, apps, websites and online environments for education contexts;
  • hosted visiting tour groups from regional, statewide and international locations;
  • hosted guest lectures for pre-service and postgraduate education students.